Custom 3D Designed for Each Person
Introducing Aware's advanced custom-fit hearing protection and in-ear devices. Setting us apart from traditional foamies, our custom in-ear devices are uniquely designed for each individual’s unique ear shape: they either fit perfectly or not at all, guaranteeing optimal protection with every use. Our in-ear devices seamlessly blend into the user's unique ear shape, becoming virtually unnoticeable while delivering hearing protection, headphone capabilities and biometric monitoring. Your Perfect fit!

Safe & Non-Contact
No two ears are alike – ears are like snowflakes with more distinguishing features than fingerprints. Aware utilizes the most advanced technology: the eFit 3D ear scanner. Developed by our sister company United Sciences in collaboration with the hearing aid industry, eFit is a non-invasive digital scanner that is safer, more accurate and faster than traditional silicone molds. This 3D scanner is now the gold standard in the global hearing aid industry.
The traditional silicone injection method subjects the ear canal to external material and pressure that artificially inflates the ear canal. This leads to an inadequate fit, resulting in a staggering number of annual remakes of hearing aids and ear molds. Silicone molds require certified professionals because they can puncture the eardrum. The eFit scanner essentially paints the ear with light using radial illumination, making it non-contact with no certification requirements.
Capturing the Ear in its Natural State
eFit™ is the only technology able to capture the true geometry of the human ear in its natural state, combining one of the world’s most accurate laser scanners with an industry leading integrated 3D tracking system. This precise measurement ensures an in-ear fit that is unparalleled in comfort and effectiveness with contoured design for air-soft comfort and a superior seal for optimal hearing protection. Aware guarantees the most comfortable fit every time and provides a day money-back guarantee for comfort. Experience the future of hearing protection that is superior in technology, comfort, safety, and efficacy. Choose Aware.